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Shrimp might be small in size but packs a big punch of Omega 3 Fatty Acids!
Whether you choose, “shrimp gumbo, shrimp stew, shrimp scampi, or fried shrimp,” as Forrest Gump famously gleamed in the iconic movie, the options for preparing shrimp are endless. It’s no surprise that gourmet cooks and average folks alike enjoy experimenting with this cool crustacean. Not only are shrimp utterly versatile and can be prepared with myriad options, they are also one of the healthiest foods to eat from sea or land.
Shrimp have very high Omega 3 concentrations
Swim away salmon—you might be the most famous sea creature with an abundance of heart healthy Omega 3’s—but shrimp shall not lurk in the shadows any longer! Four ounces of shrimp provides about 350-375 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids, including about 50% EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 50% DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).* EPA and DHA are commonly found in prenatal pills as these essential fats help with brain development and function in utero as well as for developing children. However, people of all ages can benefit from EPA and DHAsince these type of healthy fats promote brain, heart and visual functions.
Perhaps the most advantageously healthy attribute of shrimp is their Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio. There are approximately 3x’s as many Omega 3’s than 6’s found in shrimp which translates into decreased chronic diseases including: obesity, high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes. Sure they are shrimpy in stature but good things come in small packages! These super nutrient dense delicacies are worth their weight in Omegas!
But before you run out and buy just any ol’ shrimp you unfortunately must exercise caution when doing so. Most grocery stores stock both frozen and fresh shrimp that are farm raised in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam just to name a few. Now we have nothing against these countries but rather the farming practices that are implemented. If they are farm raised overseas and not wild caught you might be getting more than just a high does of Omega 3’s.
Chances are you will be eating added hormones, antibiotics from shrimp not kept in sanitary conditions. It is important to buy Wild caught whenever possible such as from our very own Pacific Northwest or the Gulf shores of the Carolinas. If that is not an option we may have an even better one for you, Amazing Shrimp!Farm raised in the Hoosier State of Indiana, using patented technology of recirculating saltwater and using sustainable practices free of any hormones, antibiotics or stressful conditions.
Though farm raised, these shrimp are anything but the typical farm raised shrimp you find in the grocery store. Every element of raising these shrimp are done so with sustainable practices—even down to using the shrimp waste as plant fertilizer! It doesn’t get much more eco-friendly than that!