Covoid-19: Our Commitment to You
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We know your lives have changed rapidly over the last few weeks. Your daily routines have changed, your connectedness with the world around you may have changed. But the one thing that has not changed is how important your family and your health are.
At GrubMarket we know that even the basic need to feed ourselves can seem threatened currently. So, we wanted to take a few moments to explain what we’re doing to provide you secure, fresh groceries.
Our Commitment to Safety
We at GrubMarket are here to help you get your necessities, while diligently following LA County, FDA and CDC guidelines along with our own new internal policies for packing and delivery. Our customers’ health is our #1 priority during this tough time. We’re committing to your healthy & safety with the following new procedures:
We are no longer using reusable grocery bins and bags. Although this is not our first choice for the environmental impact, it is absolutely necessary for the health of the community.
All workers whose presence in the office is not mission critical will be required to work from home.
We have added a triple disinfection throughout our entire order handling process. This includes scheduled wipe-downs of work surfaces, extra hand washing, and keeping the supply chain sanitized.
All delivery drivers will now be wearing safety masks and disposable sanitary gloves.
Our Commitment to Continuing Delivery
Since we started, we have helped to ensure weekly delivery of local fruits and vegetables. One wonderful thing about this is that local fruits and vegetable supplies replenish daily. As long as these plants keep growing, we will be able to continue to keep food on your families tables. In order to ensure each household has continual supply to grocery items, we may from time to time need to limit the volume of these items in each delivery. Rest assured we will provide more of the same or similar items next week, just in time for your next order!
Our Commitment to Our Community
At GrubMarket, we have always had our community at heart. We’ve put supporting our farmers as a top priority. We’ve prioritized increasing accessibility of local & organic foods. And now is the time we re-commit ourselves to both of these priorities. Supporting local farmers, many of whom are small family businesses is more important now than ever. Every time you feed your family from these local businesses, you’re ensuring they are able to continue producing food for years to come.