Ketogenic Diet – What to Eat?
[shareaholic app="share_buttons" id="27983777"]Keto is the newest high-fat low-carb diet to hit the market and with so many people seeing results, we had to know more.
While the ketogenic diet may be incredibly strict compared to the standard American diet, it’s rules are pretty easy to understand.
Unlike its predecessor Atkins, which similarly looked to turn it’s followers bodies into fat-burning machines, Keto takes a page out of the Paleo and Mediterranean diets. It focuses on high-quality heart-healthy ingredients. So no, this isn’t the diet of bacon and fried cheddar cheese. Keto may be a high-fat diet, but to keep it from being a fad diet, you have to focus on clean all-natural sources. Luckily, here at GrubMarket, that’s not a problem! Thanks to our Keto FarmBox.

But how does it work?
Human bodies run on glucose, it’s the gasoline of the body. Glucose is a natural sugar that comes from carbohydrates. Although there is nothing wrong with this natural sugar when you consume an excess of it and you aren’t burning an equal amount it gets stored as fat. The sugar creates a craving cycle that some people find hard to escape from. Especially if those carbs come from refined flours and processed carbs instead of plant carbs like veggies and fruits.
Keto is based on the idea that when you deprive the body these carbs and glucose as its main energy source. The body begins to feed it more natural healthy fats and learns to switch to Ketosis. This is when your liver produces ketones of fat to use as energy, and when it’s done burning your dinner, it will continue to look for more fat to burn… yup, from your body.
That’s the simple science behind Keto!
Important to remember, calories are still calories and clean is still better than processed.
For real success on the keto diet continue following your healthy lifestyle. Swap high sugar fruits for low sugar fruits. High carb veggies for low carb veggies, and maintain your lean forms of protein with a couple more servings of fattier salmon, eggs, and dairy a few times a week. Be more liberal with your healthy oils and fats (within reason). Cut out all sugar, fake sugar, low-fat, processed foods and alcohol!
A balanced keto diet should include:

- Stick to organic, pasture-raised and grass-fed meat where possible (we can help you there!)
- Always buy fresh meat from a butcher and never processed meat (like lunch meat or hot dogs) which are full of added sugar and preservatives.

Vegetables and fruit
- Feel free to eat as many veggies as you want, but aim for above-ground vegetables, like cruciferous and leafy/green items.
- The further in the ground you go the more natural sugar, starch and carbs veggies have.
- While there is no such thing as bad fruit, they do have a lot of natural sugars so limit your fruit to a few servings per week.
- When you do choose to have fruit choose low sugar fruit like berries over high carb high sugar fruits like apples and bananas.
- Remember, natural is always better. If you’re craving carbs and feel like you’re going to fail it’s always better to have a natural vegetable or fruit carbs like a potato and banana than fail on cake or pasta!

Nuts and Seeds
- In moderation, nuts and seeds are full of amazing fats, but they are very very high in calories for their volume. Do so cautiously if trying to lose weight.
- Try to use fattier nuts like macadamias and almonds and snack on 100 calorie portions or sprinkle into salads.
- Seeds are a great way to add not only healthy fats and fiber but omega-3s into your diet.
- All-natural nut-butters are great (like our favorite ‘Spread the Love’). Be aware of commercial brands with extra sugar.

- Buy full-fat dairy items.
- Low-fat dairy products are highly processed and usually have chemicals, sugars, extra carbs, and preservatives!
- If you have digestive issues with dairy, try hard-cheeses like parmesan and don’t overdo it.
- Remember cheese is not nutritionally necessary to a keto diet but can be an easy, tasty, high protein, high fat snack.
- If you’re having a problem losing weight, and find yourself overeating cheese, scale it back to just 8 ounces of greek yogurt per day.

Fats & Oils
- Always choose natural over processed.
- Pick organic cold-pressed oils when possible!
- Butter is fine, but we recommend organic ghee which is clarified and free of preservatives!
- For reference: 1 – 2 tablespoons total oil/fat is an ideal serving per meal.
- Stay simple and stick to water and sparkling water.
- Jazz it up with fruit and mint.
- Coffee & tea is fine. Just skip the sugar!
Wanna make it easier on yourself? Try our Keto FarmBox. You’ll get a weekly variety of everything you need to kill it at Keto!